
Fever Can Be Treat with 8 Traditional and Natural Medicine
In this day and age, many people are relying on pharmacy drugs such as paracetamol or ibuprofen as first aid during a fever. And many people are forgetting that there are traditional cold remedies are also no less potent than the drugs factory. Traditional cold remedies certainly give smaller side effects and also no less effective with fever medicine dispensaries. So, there is no harm in using traditional cold remedies as first choice drugs to lower fever. Here is an example of traditional cold remedies are effective and easy to make:

Lempuyang Emprit (Zingiber amaricans)

This traditional cold remedies contain compounds that have the benefits of essential oils to reduce the heat. Typically used is the rhizome of this plant are yellowish white and bitter taste. How to make it: Wash 10 grams of tubers lempuyang emprit clean, then grate. Add 1/2 cup hot water on the grater and mix well. Once cool, squeeze and take the juice. Mix with 2 tablespoons (tbsp) honey, cotton flower and mix well. Give this concoction three times a day.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

Besides being a food spice, turmeric also may act as a traditional drug fever. Turmeric contains essential oils, curcumin, turmeron and zingiberen which has benefits as antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory). Ramun this herb can help enhance endurance. Generally, turmeric orange was used to create this concoction. How to make it: Wash 10 grams of saffron bulbs to clean. Grate and add 1/2 cup hot water and mix well. Once cool, squeeze and take the juice. Add juice of 1/2 lemon. Then mix with 2 tablespoons herb cotton flower honey and stir well. For the herb into 3 parts and provide three meals a day.

Gotu kola (Centella asiatica L.)

This herbal plant leaves lkadang called the horse's legs are usually grown creeping ground cover. This leaves traditional cold remedies hijua colored and shaped like a fan kidney. Gotu kola contains triterpenoids, saponins, hydrocotyline and vellarine. In addition to lowering the heat, the plant was able to revitalize the body and the blood vessels and strengthen the structure of the body's tissues. Indian pennywort soothing, increase energy and can increase appetite. How to make it: Wash 1 handful fresh gotu kola leaves, then rebuh with 2 cups water to boil. Let the remaining liquid until about one cup (250 ml). For the herb into 3 parts and drink 3 times a day.

Bitter (Andrographis paniculata)

All parts of this plant can be used as a traditional medicine fever. Sambiloto contains andrographolide lactones (bitter substances), glucosides, diterpene and flavonoids that can lower high body temperature. This plant was already investigated its efficacy in treating fever. In 1991, a study in Thailand stated that 6 grams per day of bitter as effective as giving paracetamol (fever medications in pharmacies). How to make: Boil 10 grams of dried bitter leaves along with 25 grams of dried saffron bulbs in 250 ml of water. Boil until boiling and let the fire burning until the water is 100 ml. After that strain the herb. Wait until warm herbs and add 100 ml or mahogany cotton flower honey and stir well. For this herb into 3 parts and provide three meals a day.

Onion (Allium cepa L.)

Besides being used for cooking, it turns red onion can be a traditional cold remedies is quite powerful. Red onions contain essential oils, sikloaliin, kamferol, matilaliin, quercetin and also floroglusin. All these compounds can reduce fever and helped maintain stamina. How to use: Peel 5 red onions. Grate the onion roughly and add to the coconut oil or baby oil to taste. This oil smeared all over the body.

Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorhiza Roxb.)

In choosing ginger as a traditional medicine fever you should know in advance about the appearance of the plant. Ginger resembles ginger and white, but the color of the flowers and the rhizome was different. Yellow ginger flowers are white or pale yellow, while the meeting is white and white with red edges. Rhizome of ginger orange to brown while the rhizome meeting is white and light yellow. Ginger plant contains active substances germacrene, zanthorrhizol, alpha beta curcumena and other useful compounds. The benefits are as anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory), antibiotics and may increase spending bile. Since the first, known as the ginger traditional drug fever, appetite enhancer, treat jaundice, diarrhea, heartburn, bloating and fatigue. How to make: wash 10 grams of rhizome of ginger, then grate and add 1/2 cup hot water. Mix well. Once cool, squeeze and take the juice. Mix the herbs with 2 tablespoons honey, cotton flower and mix well. For the herb into 3 parts and drink this concoction three times a day.

Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.)

Meniran plant is a plant that can reach 1 meter, grows wild, and the rounded leaves are compound leaves finned even. All parts of this plant can be used as a traditional medicine fever. Meniran contains lignans, flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, triterpenoids, Vitamin C and others. Everything can be helpful to reduce heat and increase endurance. How to make: Boil 1 handful fresh meniran with 2 cups water to a boil, then let the fire burn until the water only remaining 1 cup. For the herb into 3 parts and mium 3 times a day.

Coconut water

Besides the taste is sweet and tasty, coconut water can be a traditional fever medicine. Coconut water has a lot of mineral deposits, among others potassium. This mineral helps maintain the durability and function of the body. At the time of fever, body will spend a lot of fluids through sweat and urine water to lower body temperature. By drinking coconut water is cool and refreshing, hay fever sufferers can avoid dehydration or lack of fluids. Keep in mind that the traditional cold remedies described above are the doses for adults or children older than 12 years and over. There is no harm in trying to draw on traditional cold remedies before resorting to drugs pharmacy to relieve fever

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